JNF Indian Rustica Ace 20g
JNF Indian Rustica Ace 20g
Janta Indian Rustica has a strong, full bodied taste that uses the finest quality flu cured Andhra Pradesh tobaccos that provide a rich and distinct aroma. Moist hay, mushroom and tanned leather complement the natural spicy and sweet molasses scent. This base note is then enhanced with one of several popular flavors.
Janta Rustica Ace has the added benefit of the perfect drupe that graces this snuff with the luscious taste of ripe apricot. Adding a fruity accent to this refreshing concoction. Well worth a try and will help keep your spirits high.
82 auf Lager
It is rare that I do not like a snuff. I usually find something about it that I love, which sends me on a sentimental journey through my fading memories. Having gone through the whole sampler box of the JNF Indian Rustica assorted pack, I have liked nearly all of them, except this one. Every litter has a runt and “Ace” assumes this role. Upon opening the tin, I was assaulted by the smell of bad aftershave, Windex and toilet-spay potpourri. At uptake, the sour burn dissipated into more of the same. It reminded me of the smell of waking-up next to a girl picked-up at last call. In like fashion, it gave me a headache. In my fantasy world, there is no doubt that Leisure Suit Larry carries a tin of the appropriately named “Ace” in his pocket as he works his way through the land of the Lounge Lizards. On a positive note, it sports a bouncer’s hit of nicotine.
It took a while to review this "Rustica Ace"(apricot) snuff My favorite flavor when done right. And I'm at the conclusion it's a board line crazy, beautiful progressive dumpster fire of changing maddening plethora of flavor's, With a withstanding apricot flavor running stark naked an raving mad to slickly dance before in all it's chaotic dumpster blazing flame's flickering light Glory.