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SNUV, Blizzard 10g

SNUV, Blizzard 10g

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This is the mentholated version of HEMLOCK. Same base of flavors but the menthol does change the over-all profile, dampening down the subtlety and ramping up the smack in the head. It will clear your sinuses, and the menthol adds a bit of punch to initial hit.

Here for your delectation and pleasure I will reproduce the HEMLOCK description. It will save you mad-clicking like the insane person you clearly are (you're still here): 'Easy peasy lemon squeezy' Nah, that doesn't quite fit.
'Really fucking hard apricot squeezy' is more accurate but no rhyme.

Take your pick. Either way this has the aroma of slightly thyme medicinal with lemony apricot fairy washing up liquid mixed in… a nice way (don't judge me). That 'Ahh so nice' fresh clean smell. The lemony apricot smell subsides and purer, real-fruit apricot along with the herbs will become more pronounced. You'll detect (hopefully) the aroma of wild sage, turmeric and wild dill emerging, along with a hint of pine and hardwood. Yes, you'll have to wait for your nostrils to start functioning again. Be patient you animal.

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  • Grind: very fine
  • Moisture: dry as a bone
  • Strength: Very strong
  • Menthol: Yes

Available in a convenient 10 gram container.
Also enjoy a discount for a box of 10.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Mark Morrell

I suffer with stuffed nose regardless of what snuff.. apart from the SNUV white menthols… well worth it!!

Mark Morrell

I suffer with stuffed nose regardless of what snuff.. apart from the SNUV white menthols… well worth it!!

Nose on fire 🔥

Smells like laundry detergent and burns like I just snorted chilli powder

Simon Clements

So this is the mentholated version of Hemlock, which is hands-down my favourite sniff; Blizzard is perfection - intense, clean smelling with a menthol hit softening the assault of chillies which hit hard and lingers.
I don't even notice the N-hit, I'm too busy swimming in the endorphin hit from the floral/chillies.
Absolute perfection

Erin Palmeter
Blizzard snuv: Smell like my favourite candle

Great fun with friends!