Dholakia Whisky Honey 25g
Dholakia Whisky Honey 25g
Dholakia Whisky Honey is a rich composition of peated Islay single malt and heather honey, lying on a rich tobacco base. An exquisite expression of a classic toddy that warms the cockles. This is by no means only about flavor, as it is accompanied by a potent nicotine blast. These two flavors are the bee's knees and when they show up together they comfort you like a cozy chair in front of the fireplace.
Available in a variety of convenient hermetically sealed containers
I think this is really good and worth trying. I'm amazed at the flavor, really
It has a really nice initial scent, and the nicotine is definitely there. But once you have it up your beak for a while, everything kinda disapaits and you are stuck with a real leathery cheap cologne scent that stays through the day! It is not pleasant at all.