Simply Snuff - Marrakesh 30g
Simply Snuff - Marrakesh 30g
"During last 2 years I've reviewed over 350 Snuffs on my Simply Snuff! YouTube Channel. The time has come to put the experience and knowledge I have acquired to good use!
These four new Snuffs bring together a delicious range of base tobaccos and toppings to provide a new and unique snuff experience!Thanks for all your support and kindness, and I hope you enjoy these Snuffs as much as I do.
Chin Chin
Check out and support Simon's YouTube Channel here - Simply Snuff
So, full disclosure: I am newcomer to tobacco and to nasal snuff. I’ve only been snuffing for about a year. Generally, I like dark, smoky, plainer scents. I’m also a spice fan and tend to favor menthol (Red Bull level, specifically). This snuff satisfies that taste beautifully. For me, there is an initial blast of camphor with a nice cinnamon underpinning. It then slowly faded as a gentle, herb-y, not-quite-sweet scent drifts in on some gentle menthol to continue the party. I’m definitively a big fan.
A potent pleasant mixture reminiscent of far away places, strong woody undertones and a pleasant freshness of warn desert breezes that clears the head, a nice sweetness lingers after and an invigorating rush as the nicotine satisfies you, an exotic pleasing stuff which is to be appreciated.
Absolutely hits you with a eucalyptus menthol of the jump. Back end is cloves and lemon a very good 'go get em' snuff
Complex and exotic. Loving this one and high in Vitamin N.
Exotic experience. Flavors fade in and out with just the right blast of eucalyptus. Grind and moisture make this wonderful to use throughout the day.